The last time I showcased the mineral Bornite, I found it in a general shale pile. This time, while working some limestone locally there is a shale shelf below the limestone that I have carved flat with a shovel. Several of the exposed pieces of shale in that particular pieceRead More →


Bornite, also known as Peacock ore, is a mineral that tarnishes to different colors, ranging from blue, yellow, and purple. This is the first sample of it I have found locally, right in my local shale pile. I have a feeling that I will be finding more of it nowRead More →

Aragonite Shell Material

The very definition of a fossil includes objects that another material has replaced. These are called casts. Impressions are also fossils, such as the shape of a prehistoric fern leaf embedded in shale rock or the impression of a shell in limestone. Somewhat standard in Western Pennsylvanian fossils from theRead More →