In writing the most recent research article, Aviculopinna, I set up an area to photograph specimens. While having this setup available, I went ahead and re-photographed the first seven specimens in the fossil catalog. Specimen CG-0001 John Harper identified this specimen as possibly being Orthotetes, a brachiopod. The preservation isRead More →

Eomarginifera longispinus brachial valve underside

Yet again, I need to reverse the identification of the specimens below. I will be altering the article, but the specimen referenced found in the Brush Creek limestone is not E. longispinus, but Kozlowskia splendens. L. longispinus is found in the late Mississippian of European and U.K. rocks. Eomarginifera longispinusRead More →

Kozlowskia splendens is a species of brachiopod described in the Brachiopods of Ohio book. The species is reported from the Brush Creek limestone. I originally wrote this post about specimen CG-0008, but it turned out to be Eomarginifera longispinus. The difference? The so-called ears of the shell. This is theRead More →

Rugose Coral Specimen

Lophophyllidium and Stereostylus are the two known genera of Rugose Corals in the Glenshaw Formation. Locally in the Brush Creek limestone, they are common to find. Unfortunately, they are hard to recover from the hard limestone and don’t come out in one piece. The Pine Creek limestone locality, however, isRead More →