Class Rhynchonellata Williams 1996
Order Spiriferida Waagen 1883
Family Trigonotretidae Schuchert 1893
Genus Neospirifer Fredericks, 1924
Species dunbari King, 1933
The brachiopod Neospirifer is uncommon from the Brush Creek limestone in Parks Township and unrecovered from the Pine Creek Limestone in Manor Township. Neospirifer is one of the easiest to recognize brachiopods. Like most local fossils, the genus only survived past the end of the Permian, also known as the Permian-Triassic extinction.
King (1933) published a name replacement, replacing Spirifer triplicata (Hall, 1852) with Neospirifer dunbari.

- M. R. Mudge, E. L. Yochelson, and R. C. Douglas, H. Duncan, H. L. Strimple, M. Gordon, Jr, D. H. Dunkle. 1962. Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Uppermost Pennsylvanian and Lowermost Permian Rocks in Kansas. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 323:1-213
- R. E. King. 1933. Neospirifer dunbari R. H. King nom. nov. Journal of Paleontology 7:441 (Vol 7, No 4)
- Schuchert, C. (1893). A classification of the Brachiopoda. American Geologist. 11: 141-167.
- Waagen, W. H. (1883). Salt Range Fossils. I. Productus-Limestone Fossils. Geological Survey of India, Memoirs, Palaeontologia Indica (series 13). 4(2): 391–546, pl. 29–49.
- Williams, A., Carlson, S., Brunton, C. H. C., Holmer, L. E., & Popov, L. E. (1996). A supra-ordinal classification of the Brachiopoda. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences, 351: 1117–1193.

Late Carboniferous Fossils from the Glenshaw Formation in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania
Preface | The Photographic Process
Localities: Locality SL 6445 Brush Creek limestone | Locality SL 6533 Pine Creek limestone
Bivalvia: Allopinna | Parallelodon | Septimyalina
Cephalopoda: Metacoceras | Poterioceras | Pseudorthoceras | Solenochilus
Gastropoda: Amphiscapha | Bellerophon | Cymatospira | Euphemites | Glabrocingulum | Meekospira | Orthonychia | Patellilabia | Pharkidonotus | Retispira | Shansiella | Strobeus | Trepospira | Worthenia
Brachiopoda: Cancrinella | Composita | Isogramma | Linoproductus | Neospirifer | Parajuresania | Pulchratia