Class Strophomenata Williams et al 1996
Order Productida Sarycheva and Sokolskaya 1959
Family Echinoconchidae Stehli 1954
Genus Parajuresania Lazarev, 1982

Late Carboniferous Fossils from the Glenshaw Formation in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania
Preface | The Photographic Process
Localities: Locality SL 6445 Brush Creek limestone | Locality SL 6533 Pine Creek limestone
Bivalvia: Allopinna | Parallelodon | Septimyalina
Cephalopoda: Metacoceras | Poterioceras | Pseudorthoceras | Solenochilus
Gastropoda: Amphiscapha | Bellerophon | Cymatospira | Euphemites | Glabrocingulum | Meekospira | Orthonychia | Patellilabia | Pharkidonotus | Retispira | Shansiella | Strobeus | Trepospira | Worthenia
Brachiopoda: Cancrinella | Composita | Isogramma | Linoproductus | Neospirifer | Parajuresania | Pulchratia