Subclass Caenogastropoda
Order incertae
Superfamily Soleniscoidea Knight, 1931
Family Meekospiridae Knight, 1936
Genus Meekospira Ulrich & Scofield, 1897
Species peracuta Meek & Worthen, 1860
Fossils from this family are widespread in the transition later atop the Pine Creek limestone at SL 6445, especially Meekospira Ulrich & Scofield 1897, the type for the family. Fauna within the family does not have a columellar fold nor an anterior notch (Knight 1960). These are found most often in the fissile limestone area. A few are found with a very sharp protoconch, which often has a different morphology than the adult shell. The shells stick out of the eroding rocks and preserve great details. The following figures show well-detailed specimens of Meekospira peracuta (Meek & Worthen, 1861). The fragility of each is difficult to manage, where a simple act of clumsiness can knock off a spire tip and protoconch that has been attached for over 305 million years. Figure 1-A shows a well-preserved spire.
Meekospira peracuta Plates

- Knight, J. B., 1931. The gastropods of the St. Louis, Missouri, Pennsylvanian outlier: the Subulitidae. Journal of Paleontology 5(3):177-229
- Knight J. B., 1936. Notes on Paleozoic Gastropoda. Journal of Paleontology 10(6):520-534
- Meek, F. B., and Worthen, A. H., 1860. Description of new Carboniferous fossils from Illinois and other western states. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 12:447-472
- Ulrich, E. O., and Scofield, W. H., 1897. The Lower Silurian Gastropoda of Minnesota. The Paleontology of Minnesota 39(2):813-1081

Late Carboniferous Fossils from the Glenshaw Formation in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania
Preface | The Photographic Process
Localities: Locality SL 6445 Brush Creek limestone | Locality SL 6533 Pine Creek limestone
Bivalvia: Allopinna | Parallelodon | Septimyalina
Cephalopoda: Metacoceras | Poterioceras | Pseudorthoceras | Solenochilus
Gastropoda: Amphiscapha | Bellerophon | Cymatospira | Euphemites | Glabrocingulum | Meekospira | Orthonychia | Patellilabia | Pharkidonotus | Retispira | Shansiella | Strobeus | Trepospira | Worthenia
Brachiopoda: Cancrinella | Composita | Isogramma | Linoproductus | Neospirifer | Parajuresania | Pulchratia