This is a short post to report specimens of Schistoceras from the Portersville Limestone in nearby West Virginia. The 1997 volume Pennsylvanian Cephalopods of Ohio reported only 21 total nautiloid cephalopod specimens from the Portersville Limestone in their study area and no specimens of Schistoceras. There were 276 ammonoids inRead More →

A recent discovery of a site with abundant roughly preserved Strobeus shells has piqued my curiosity for cutting them open to see the internal structure. The site occasionally preserves material with intact shells, but they are brittle and can shatter easily. During regular mashing of the limestone, they become disconnected,Read More →


I started my research thinking this fossil was Mahoningoceras Murphy 1974, then later thought it was smashed, had straight flank sutures, and was a Millkoninckioceras Kummel 1963. I reversed this decision again after comparing it to Millkoninckioceras and refocused on Mahoningoceras. Yet, I received a photo of the holotype fromRead More →