The Pine Creek Limestone is supposed to be somewhere in my local area, but perhaps it was not laid down as strata here. It’s likely in Parks Township, but I have yet to find it. The nearest place I currently know to find it is at an intersection of 422/28/66 where 422 splits off towards Indiana. This deep road-cut for a highway interchange section exposes about 9 inches of Pine Creek limestone, the top 3 inches showing more fissility. Fissility in a rock is its ability to split along planes of weakness.
When I approached the rock face, I found a weathered out gastropod sitting at the base of the hill. After some exploring, I found that most fossils weather out in the top 3 inches of limestone. There are massive amounts of shale below and above the limestone. The Brush Creek Limestone is supposed to be close by, within 100 feet of where I was.
I gathered around 55 or so individual specimens. It was about 60% gastropods and 40% horn corals. Most of the gastropods were Meekospira. I found four examples of Shansiella and a couple of what I believe to be Worthenia. There were five Strobeus. I also found Pharkidonotus and Bellerophon.
Below you will find photos of a number of gastropod fossils I was able to collect in about an hour of time. I have not yet cataloged them. I have them stored in small plastic boxes, and I may assign catalog numbers to groups of fossils.