Lophophyllidium and Stereostylus are the two known genera of Rugose Corals in the Glenshaw Formation. Locally in the Brush Creek limestone, they are common to find. Unfortunately, they are hard to recover from the hard limestone and don’t come out in one piece. The Pine Creek limestone locality, however, is quite a different story. These corals are everywhere in particular layers, and are easily recoverable.

Distribution in the Glenshaw Formation.
Calvin T. Colson wrote a paper about two new genera of Rugose Corals, Pseudozaphrentoides and Lophamplexus, in the Pennsylvanian of Ohio. However, both of these genera occur in the older Allegheny Formation.
There is a considerable breadth of available terminology for describing Rugose corals. Here are some of the more important ones.
- Theca – the outer wall
Rugose Coral Photo Gallery
All specimens below were collected at the Kittanning Pine Creek limestone locality. These photos were taken through a microscope lens and several focal planes were merged into one sharper photo.

Previous Posts About Rugose Corals
- 1967, Colson, C.T., The Occurrence of the Coral Genera Pseudozaphrentoides and Lophamplexus in the Pennsylvanian of Ohio, The Ohio Journal of Science. v67 n4 (July, 1967), 232-237
- 1947, Jeffords, R.M., Pennsylvanian lophophyllidid corals, The Paleontological Institute, The University of Kansas, P. 1-84