Poterioceras curtum is a Pennsylvanian cephalopod first described by Meek & Worthen in 1860.
I originally misidentified these as Ctenobactrites isogramma.

This is not the first report of this species in Western Pennsylvania. A report from the Annals of the Carnegie Museum in 1947 features specimens from the Brush Creek limestone in Western Pennsylvania at Witmer and at the Sewickley bridge. They are both deposited in the Carnegie Museum as CM 25786 and CM 25787.
- Miller, A.K., Unklesbay, A.G., 1947. The Cephalopod Fauna of the Conemaugh Series in Western Pennsylvania: Supplement, Annals of the Carnegie Museum, v. 30, pp. 319–330
- Sturgeon M.T. et al, 1997, Pennsylvanian Cephalopods of Ohio, Part 1 Nautiloid and Bactritoid Cephalopods, pp. 26–28, pp. 98–99