This specimen started out showing about 40-50% of itself within the Limestone matrix is was embedded in. I spent a good deal of time with the air scribe to free it. I am confident that it is Metacoceras, but I welcome other opinions. The raised spines along the top sideRead More →

Going by the fossil example shown on the Pennsylvanian Atlas of Ancient Life, I am calling this find a Pseudorthoceras. The rock was split into two pieces, and the photo is of them joined back up. The white markings are from an air scribe. Pseudorthoceras belongs to the class Cephalopoda.Read More →


Pseudorthoceras was first described by G. H. Girty in 1912. It was part of a paper describing new species of Pennsylvanian fossils from the Wewoka Formation of Oklahoma. The species appeared 376 million years ago and disappeared during the Permian–Triassic extinction event 252 million years ago. This extinction, known asRead More →

Specimen Front

This specimen of Cephalopod, CG-0004, belongs to the genus Metacoceras. I first assumed Tainoceras, yet, that genus does not occur in the Brush Creek Limestone. A good deal of time was spent using an air scribe to take the piece from the first photo in the gallery to get toRead More →