In writing the most recent research article, Aviculopinna, I set up an area to photograph specimens. While having this setup available, I went ahead and re-photographed the first seven specimens in the fossil catalog. Specimen CG-0001 John Harper identified this specimen as possibly being Orthotetes, a brachiopod. The preservation isRead More →

The local limestone stratigraphy gives paleontologists ample opportunity to find specimens from the class Cephalopoda. These layers are all exposed as part of the Glenshaw formation, the dominant formation within Parks Township. The examples below represent a few of the many different cephalopods genera that are available. Found Cephalopod GenusRead More →


Largely complete, this specimen of Metacoceras, a Paleozoic Cephalopod, was found in a local stream. Facedown in the water, the limestone surface had been eroded by moving water for a period of time. The familiar conch shape of the genus Metacoceras was immediately recognizable. I used a small sledgehammer toRead More →