Maybe Pseudorthoceras, but I’m going to give more weight to Mooreoceras because of the large size of this specimen. The shell is a longicone. Also, the position of the Septal neck is off-center, as shown on the following plate. I found the impression of the larger piece still in theRead More →


Original Catalog No. 2019-04-LS-000 Identification as Pecopteris is very likely. This comes from a newly found shale landslide. The piece had fallen out of the hill and was lying on the ground. The rock is very fragile. The colors shown are rarer in this area, more commonly being a greyRead More →

A solitary type of coral found commonly in the local limestone/marine layer. I have been told the two examples below are perhaps of two different species. The first piece is assumed to be Stereostylus. The second piece that is split down the middle was thought to perhaps be Lophophyllidium. ThatRead More →

A few layers of rock contain several concretions. We called these dinosaur eggs when we were younger, not knowing exactly what they were. We have come to find that these are simply hard, compact masses of matter. These settle within the muds and sands that make the local rocks. SomeRead More →

This specimen started out showing about 40-50% of itself within the Limestone matrix is was embedded in. I spent a good deal of time with the air scribe to free it. I am confident that it is Metacoceras, but I welcome other opinions. The raised spines along the top sideRead More →

Going by the fossil example shown on the Pennsylvanian Atlas of Ancient Life, I am calling this find a Pseudorthoceras. The rock was split into two pieces, and the photo is of them joined back up. The white markings are from an air scribe. Pseudorthoceras belongs to the class Cephalopoda.Read More →


This brachiopod is beautifully centered in what is likely a concretion circle. The specimen was found in the high-hill shale. This layer contains a shale that I call mud stone. It comes out in larger pieces than thinner shale. The rock still splits rather easily, and it contains many concretions.Read More →

Antiquatonia portlockiana

Antiquatonia portlockiana was first described by Norwood and Pratten in 1855. The genus Antiquatonia includes eight distinct species. It has a surprisingly short age range of about 20 million years. The species has yet to be found outside of the Carboniferous Period. When I first found this brachiopod, I wasn’tRead More →