This combination piece came from hammering on already busted up Limestone. The Pseudorthoceras is long in comparison to most exposed specimens I find. Usually they are buried or the pieces that are exposed fall apart at the septal margins. The Metacoceras in this piece shows excellent septal suture lines andRead More →

Linoproductus was first described by Chao in 1927. It went extinct during the Permian / Triassic Extinction event 252 million years ago. More Reading About Linoproductus Online Taxon Page – FossilworksRead More →

First described in 1870 by Meek and Worthen, Solenochilus is a genus of Cephalopod. The identification is most likely, as two experts have noted the wide square shape of the specimen. For a short time I considered Ephippioceras. However, this specimen is much too large to be Ephippioceras, which areRead More →

One of two large specimens found in the same rock. This rock was found as a large piece embedded about 3 feet up a hillside. After wrestling it to the ground, a large sledgehammer split it into three large pieces, so that I could transport them home. I started toRead More →

I often find bits of Metacoceras, a Coiled Cephalopod that existed between 314 million years ago until just before the Permian / Triassic Extinction event. I have been looking for complete specimens, but typically they are bisected on some sort of sediment plane within the limestone. Discovery In my localRead More →

My best bet on this specimen is a cephalopod, perhaps a Mooreoceras. It tapers ever so slightly, whereas a sea pen would be a much sharper. However, there are no discernible septal markings on the shell. The shape is nearly a circle in cross section. It measures 18mm in diameterRead More →

Ostracod fossils are of the class Ostracoda, belonging to the subphylum Crustacea. As far as I understand it, they are typically a microfossil in my area. Ostracods have been found as far back as 450 million years ago and are still an extant class today. They are also known asRead More →

Amphiscapha is a commonly recovered genus of gastropod fossil in Parks Township. It often appears as a flat spiral within the shale. Two Meekospira accompanied this particular specimen. I used a pair of engineering tweezers to remove some matrix from the sides of the larger of the two Meekospira. BeingRead More →

This tiny gastropod is likely from the genus Glabrocingulum. First described by Thomas in 1940, Glabrocingulum has a geologic range of 353 to 205 million years ago. Being so small, it was difficult to identify via fossil plates alone. It has the raised edge with a bump pattern, but itRead More →

I went back to where I found the first Petalodus tooth, and the first rock I split open held another Pennsylvanian Petalodus tooth. This specimen is longer than the first one. It measures 1.5mm more narrow, however this is due to a chipped left corner. The limestone is a bitRead More →