Our collections started officially in the year 2019. This was certainly a year of discovery. I started it not quite knowing what limestone was and where to find it. After extracting a crinoid from a piece of limestone in a stream, research led me into the wide world of marine fossils. Orthotetes was found in late 2018, however the catalog was started in early 2019.
The specimens below each tell a unique story. My ability to identify species is still not refined however I am getting quick at determining genus.
*Note: This page is still under development. I have 15 posts added but there are over 30 to add.

Catalog Number: CG-0001

Meekospira Peracuta
Catalog Number: CG-0002

Palaeoneilo & Lepidophylloides
Catalog Number: CG-0003

Catalog Number: CG-0004

Catalog Number: CG-0005

Catalog Number: CG-0006

Catalog Number: CG-0007

Unidentified Brachiopod
Catalog Number: CG-0008

Catalog Number: CG-0009

Catalog Number: CG-0011

Catalog Number: CG-0014

Petalodus Tooth
Catalog Number: CG-0015